Sunday, May 27, 2007

Carnie poker games

So today a bunch of us, kennyj257, bcm11, and bubbyman15 went up to our local carnival which is known for its rides, games, food, and last but not least, monte carlo night. The monte carlo includes blackjack, craps, and texas-hold em. So being the poker degererate that I am, i sit down at a $1/$2 NL game with $140 at 11pm. 1 hour later I cash out with $477. Here are a few of the entertaining hands:

1) First hand I played since sitting down, I am MP with 99. UTG min raises (he has been seen as a very aggro player who put over 300 in a pot with a 10 high flush draw after a shove and a reshove). This min raise has bells and whistles going off in my head for him to have a monster. I flat call the $4 bet. The flop comes 10, 6, 4 rainbow. He leads for $10 into a $14ish pot, I sense weakness and bump it to $30, 1 for seeing where im at, and 2 controlling the size of the pot in the later streets. turn comes a 2, he bets $20, i flat call again keeping the size of the pot down. River comes a meaning less 3, he checks, and I check thinking I only get called by a hand that beats me. He flips over Q3 of spades, he turned a flush draw and picked up a pair on the river.

2) This one was fun! I am MP, 2 limpers in front, i look down to K10 offsuit and flick in the $2. Basically the rest of the table joins the fun. Flop comes 8,9,J. FP/SB leads out $10 and 2 callers ahead, i flick in the 2 red chips and the button comes along. Turn comes a Q, i shit my pants. FP and EP check, I lead out weakly for $20 to enduce action from a 10 or 2 pair. Button makes it $80 total, SB Shoves for another $100ish. I kept checking my cards to make sure I still couldn't be beated. I call and enduce a call from the button by 1) Not wanting to put my $40 in cash I hand on the table and 2) Asking him if we had the same hand. They both turn over a bare 10, and they are drawing to 3 outs to chop. River J, I scoop the $450 pot.

3) I ride the rush, UTG +1 i pick up AKos, UTG limps, I make it $12 total, basically the entire table calls (like usual). Flop comes K44, B-E-A-UTIFUL. I check because there is really no card that can come on the turn to hurt my hand. Checks around to the button (who seemed like the 2nd best player at the table to me obv). He lead for $20, I made it $50 and he folds. Said he had 99, I liked the kid so i showed the AK.

So tonight you could say was profitable, I won the biggest pot of my poker career and made roughly $350 in an hour after the 10% carnie rake and tipping the church $15. We might go back tomorrow, but we'll see. EASY GAME!

1 comment:

RJM25 said...