Thursday, December 14, 2006

A little break is needed

Over the past 24 hours or so, I have been playing very very solid poker. However, making all the right plays is only part of the game that we call "no limit texas hold'em". After having my AA cracked in the 2nd hour of the $22 deep stack by QQ all in pre, I basically dominated a $4 180 player to finish a VERY DISAPOINTING 5th place. The freefall from having 2x more chips than anyone else begun with my 44 on a AQ4 flop, all spades, checked to me, i bet, and got reshoved, i instantly called to see AA on the other side of the table. A few hands later, I wake up with 88 in the BB looking at a 3x button raise, so i play the bully of the table and squeeze to see myself being called by A7, flop is 779 SIGH. The final dagger was AA vs AK preflop with me once again trying to squeeze with the "best hand". I made all the right plays, its just that the cards did not fall my way.

So with my big sunday million coming up, I have decided to take the next 2 days off of playing online poker. I need to cool down, and get in a more relaxed mode. I plan on playing the $10 deep stack sunday at noon to warm myself up for the million. If the same thing happens, i might have to make the executive decision to wait on the million. If my mind keeps thinking "how can my best hand not hold up" mentality, then i will make the decision. If i take the next 2 day off and start from scratch sunday, i see no problem in taking down the 190k first place in the million.

Million Percentages
-lilOUmikey (90% own, 5% BCM, 5% Phenom)
-BCM11 (90% own, 5% lilOUmikey, 5% Phenom)
-thephenom919 (90% own, 5% lilOUmikey, 5% BCM)

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