Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Challenge: Battle of the Exes Fantasy League

So over the past few years, ok maybe more, I have been a frequent viewer of every Real World/Road Rules Challenge Season. Over a brief discussion with a few friends we all jumped on the opportunity of creating a fantasy league for this upcoming season titled "The Battle of the Exes". We will be using the Grantland Scoring System and will likely have some fun outcomes for the seasons losers. Terms of the bets have yet to be agreed upon but the words "Frosted" and "Tips" have been discussed.

I went into this, as my first of many, reality show fantasy draft with a pretty basic strategy. That strategy was to know the basic rules of the show and correlate those rules and the Grantland system and choose the best possible team. Also, your team has to survive week after week to give you points. Something brought up in the preview show is how teams will be put into elimination challenges. The last place team from the performance challenge and a team chosen by the first place team in the same challenge. This lead me to think that the middle of the road teams with a lot of experience and a good political (LOL) standing are more likely to not step on toes in this game and make it to the end.

Having the 4th pick, I really liked my position, even though the 3 big hitters were gone in CT, Bananas, and The Ginger. With my thoughts on how the season was going to go, Abraham Boise was a safe pick and one of the nut job sociopaths would fall to me in the next round. However, last night I realized that I picked the Charlie Redz of The Challenge. Which obviously is a good thing for the Grantland scoring system.

Following my first pick, the 4 nut cases, Jasmine, Cara Maria, Camila, and Paula went in succession. I thought that the nut case along with the safe pick in the first round would've been PERFECT. It was obviously not meant to be, which lead me back to my first round strategy. Survival. With Evelyn and Laurel not in this season, Sarah, in my opinion, is the strongest female competitor. The only downside is she doesn't fuck in the house, but she won't hold back trying to make other girls cry.

My strategy for my 3rd round pick was the same as the first, going for value and maximum episode exposure. I think Emily and Ty are a real dark horse in this game. I don't remember an ugly break up between the two and she is RIPPED. My fourth pick came around and ONCE AGAIN, my train wreck female was chosen right before my selection. I thought Naomi was guaranteed at least a 3 some in the pool type points. So then it came down to the decision between Vinny and Aneesa. Aneesa definitely has get drunk and make bitches cry written all over her but I believe she was out first in the last challenge season and once again, I really liked the team of Sarah and Vinny. Vinny might be the Randy Moss of my 2007 fantasy team to go along with Sarah aka Tom Brady.

I understand my team doesn't have the flash, drama, controversy, or slut potential, but damnit I believe they will lead the league in total episodes and therefore maximize their point potential. Good luck on 2nd place, fellas!

If you want to follow along with the league, the main blog used will be that of Eric Doll: http://norcoastbias.blogspot.com/. Everyone else on twitter if you want to follow along with all the shit talking:

- lilOUmikey
- ClevelandCat
- uklefty22
- chairboyswag
- tdegirolamo

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