Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Team T-Swizzle ON FIRE!!!!

2p2 TLB Contest has started and Team T-Swizzle is lighting shit up, first day p3rc4 started off the first day with a ship of a $30 673 player MTT followed up by a 4th in a $10 1863 player MTT for a cool 1080 TLB's. After getting back from North Carolina I put in a later sunday MTT session that lead to my first outright win in a non 180 man on pokerstars.

The $5 6-max attracted 2658 poor souls that i eventually pwn after coming into the final table with 10bbs after getting 1 outed on the river. This is currently the high score in the clubhouse for the contest with 886.84 TLBs. Monday night I put in a night session which lead to a number of min cashes and eventually i was 1 tabling a $1 4940 entrant MTT that i really didn't care about until i realized it was worth a shit ton of TLB's. Ended up taking an extremely disappointing 6th after AQs < AJs and A9o < A8s. Abusing the FT bubble was fun tho.

I'm excited to keep this going and bring home the victory.

Also played 4 step 2's yesterday with good success:

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 0- $0
Step 2's - 36- $972
Step 3's - 3- $246
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1218

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Step 1 "Complete"

Played 100 step 1's playing about 12 tables at a time, I want to stab my eyeballs out. I played pretty crappy and made a few big mistakes while playing but basically broke even equity wise. When i get into step 2's after the 2p2 tlb contest I will be playing a max of 4 tables at once to maximize my expectation. I'll post my team and any big scores during the TLB. Off to Wilmington NC tomorrow!

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 0- $0
Step 2's - 39- $1053
Step 3's - 1 - $82
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1135

Monday, July 20, 2009

Running Well Playing Well

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 23 - $172.5
Step 2's - 33 - $891
Step 3's - 1 - $82
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1145.5

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bad morning God mode after

played a bunch of 180 mans in the morning and ran like a paraplegic, then played a set of 12 step 1's and ran like Reggie Bush

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 32
Step 2's - 29
Step 3's - 1
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1105

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Steps Day 3

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 44
Step 2's - 24
Step 3's - 1
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1060

I suck

Friday, July 17, 2009

Steps Day 2

Played 12 at bcm's house did/ran pretty shitty i think

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 68
Step 2's - 18
Step 3's - 1
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0
Total Value: $1078

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Steps Day 1

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 77
Step 2's - 16
Step 3's - 1
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0

Total Value: $1091.5

WCOOP Steps and PLB Contest

So for some additional motivation and some structure to my play I have come up with the task to grind the steps to the WCOOP events that run until September. I already started playing a few and found them ridic soft. Since I started I have 8 step 2's and 1 step 3. From this point I am going to play 100 step 1's and take them as far as i can go. That's $750 in buyins that I would like to at least double. I plan on getting the cash out of the steps by gaining entry into WCOOP events and selling the W$ and might play a few events as well depending on my schedule. I will track my progress here as well in a spreadsheet of my own.

I also signed up for the 2p2 PLB contest that is about 2 weeks I think starting July 25th or something. We'll see how that goes, it will be done on a draft system and I am going to put in a lot of MTT volume as well.

Step Buyin Progress:
Step 1's - 100
Step 2's - 8
Step 3's - 1
Step 4's - 0
Step 5's - 0
Step 6's - 0

W$ Earned - 0

Total Value: $1048