Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2007 Year in Review

Starting 2007, I had no clue what the year would hold poker wise, but I knew I enjoyed playing at was pretty good at it. Little did i know, I had a lot to learn. I found myself clueless when facing many decisions so in middle February, I took the plunge and joined I joined mainly to get a few questions answered and learn more about the game. As i learned from the sites pro's i saw my game get better and better. Fast forward to today, I look back at how much better my game has gotten and only want to see it prosper even more for 2008, but I'll touch on my next years goals in another post.

Highlights of the year include:
- Winning multiple 180 mans including my first $20 win for $1,080
- Finishing 5th in a 3r for just over $1k
- Getting 2nd and 3rd 1 month apart in the $5 6-max for $900 and $450 respectively
- Not paying the two time i played CC roulette in Turning stone

Lowlights of the year include:
- every final table i bubbled or was disappointed in the result (so many to count)
- every time i played cash games

I am definitely satisfied with how 2007, after playing many different games I've realized to just focus on my NL MTT game. HUSNGS are too tilting, and TSNGS make your eyes bleed eventually, and cash games, well lets not talk about that. To be continued with goals for next year....

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bloody Sunday?

For the second Sunday in a row I get most of the day to play tournaments. No million today, but I do plan on playing more MTTs than last week. The schedule includes:

Stars $5.50 5k guar - Out 705th no cash, reshoved J10os from button, A3s flopped wheel :(

Raised pre b/c had the player tagged as passive, so the raise PF was for value
Nothing I could do here

FTP $11 FO - Out no cash QQ> KK AIPF

Stars $11 15k 10 min levels - Out 2000ish, AJ > AK AIPF

FTP $26 17.5k guar
Very weird hand, I couldn't just call the flop, I couldn't fold, and I couldn't raise/fold, my only choice was to raise/call for my stack, which brought the worst possible turn card, so i just played position and pot control, i don't see any value betting the river either.

Stars $3.30r 30k guar (2:15pm)

3pm: Stars $11 100k guar (3:30pm)

Frustrated/quit , deep, or break

To Be Continued

I plan on posting important and interesting hands throughout the day.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Wednesday 12/5

Went 5-2 in 22 HUSNGs and went somewhat deep in the $10 20k for a cash of about 30. I can't believe how bad the 22s are, Its not that the players are passive and huge stations, its that they are overagressive in situations where it is not needed such as this hand:

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to lilOUmikey [Ks Qc]
lilOUmikey: raises 40 to 60
1DanielAllin: calls 40
*** FLOP *** [Qs 2s 6d]
1DanielAllin: checks
lilOUmikey: bets 80
1DanielAllin: raises 80 to 160
lilOUmikey: calls 80
*** TURN *** [Qs 2s 6d] [Tc]
1DanielAllin: bets 200
lilOUmikey: calls 200
*** RIVER *** [Qs 2s 6d Tc] [Kd]
1DanielAllin: bets 1520 and is all-in
lilOUmikey: calls 640 and is all-in
*** SHOW DOWN ***
1DanielAllin: shows [Th 8d] (a pair of Tens)
lilOUmikey: shows [Ks Qc] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
lilOUmikey collected 2120 from pot

sure it was nice hitting my 2nd pair on the river but i just let him do all the betting for me. As far as the 20k went, I was playing really well and had a good read on every table i played. I went out on this hand:

I made a reshove with some fold equity behind and the BB decides to call a 3 bet not involved with AKos, Just a setup i think, but I don't think i call call with AK there. I guess i would need a read on the player and i had been moving my chips around a lot because of having an effective reshove stack. Nothing i can do.

Monday, December 03, 2007

LHE: Day 1

played 370 hands 6-max 4 tables
$17.75 Profit

= $4.80bb's/100 hands

1338 VPPs til silver

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Grabbin those jumper cables

Lets fire this bad boy up again. It is the final month of what has been by far my best year playing poker. I have learned a lot and had a ton of success over the past 11 months. Starting with joining pokerxfactor, followed by numberous 4.40 180 man wins. Then I made my first breakthrough by making a few large MTT final tables. A 2.50 2k plus entrants, the $27k on full tilt, the $3r, and most recently a $5 6-max 2k+ entrants to go along with a $20 180 man win.

This month, I have a few goals for myself.

1) to reach silverstar thru playing a variety of games, HUSNG's, $25 NL, and .5/1 LHE, along with MTT's
2) to have a 5%+ winrate in HUSNGs by splitting the 11 and 22s.
3) if possible, actually get my first win in a non 180 man. I know this will be tough, but i think if i stay focuses and play my best, it can be done.

There will be no monetary goal, only to play my best. I am playing the Million tomorrow and hopefully swapping %'s with bcm, phenom, and murph (if he wants to be a superstar). I will post interesting hands from all the MTT's i play on here and am hoping for some constructive criticism. Thats what makes us better players right?