Thursday, August 30, 2007

So much for that break....

So the whole break thing that i spoke of last post? Ya, i have a problem and enjoy playing too much to take that long of a break. So Sunday, i was ridiculously hung over all day and had nothing to do after like 7pm or so besides feel miserable. I remember telling myself how good i run when hungover so i fired up a bunch of donkaments: the stars 3R, FT 90 man $5, FT $27k guar, and a few others. The 3 that i mentioned i cashed in all of them. The 3R i ran QQ into KK after the villain with KK 6xed UTG +1 with them (WTF?) . The 90 man i got really aggro/bored on the final table bubble and shoved K6os into QQ blind on blind, and a SB limper called my shove with A4s, 78 no good.

On to the $27k, I had one more $26 token on full tilt and liked the structure, so the 1400 other players and i waged war until approx 2am. I got 9th for about $540 or so, not too shabby, but 1st took home a cool $6.5k FUCKKKK. I was CL for most of the later levels, say from 80 left to about 30. The card rush cooled and the table became more aggro so i was opening less pots but was getting little resistance. I bled some chips on the FT bubble when i opened K10s from the HJ, bb flatted, flop comes 9xx rainbow, i just check b/c i dont want to get CR'ed with air. Turn comes a Q, i bet it and get flatted, river CC and QJ owns. I was down to 200k chips and an M of like 4. I get to the FT and 3rd hand i have AK in the SB, MP opens i basically call my all in, i turn the world in a gutter, 2 overs, and a flush draw against the 99, but BLANK! Still my either biggest or 2nd biggest score ever, i cant be disappointed too much.

And finally Tuesday i was over BCM's and played a DS to the million, luckboxed my way to the FT after getting HU and 99 calling down my 8's full on a xK8xK board. we get 7 handed, im shortie and bye bye stars.
Dear lilOUmikey,

Tournament #59085173 has been cancelled due to technical reasons.

When a tournament is cancelled before players are in the money, we refund
each player their tournament fee, and then divide up the prize pool based
on the following formula:

- 50% of the award pool distributed evenly between remaining players
- 50% of the award pool distributed proportionally according to the chip

At the time of cancellation there were 7 player remaining, and your chip
count was 1,065. Total chips in play were 15,000.

Prize pool to be divided equally: $684.80/2 = $342.40
Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: $684.80/2 = $342.40

Your share in money equally divided: $342.40/7 = $48.91
Your share based on chip count: $342.40 x (1,065/15,000) = $24.31
Your entry fee refunded: $1.00
Total money refunded to your account: $74.22

ship it please, k thanks

Saturday I am moving into my new appt and i will post pics as soon as i get stuff set up.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Non-Poker Post

So since Sunday I have played maybe 3 tournaments and tilted off stacks in all three and have decided to take a break until I am settled into my new apartment. I am moving in next Saturday (Sept 1st) and it will take a few days to get settled in. I will still be watching the daily x-factor videos but I will not likely play any tournaments until Labor day.

Last Saturday I went to a Browns preseason game and was disappointed with the teams effort until the end of the third quarter where Ken Dorsey led a TD drive followed by the unveiling of Cleveland's new poster boy, Brady Quinn. Following Dorsey's drive, he led the Browns to 2 straight scoring drives, and I have not heard the crowd in Cleveland Stadium with that much electricity in a long time. Which leads me to the video my friend Sara Normand made, she is a journalism major and a die hard Browns fan, the video gave me goosebumps and got me almost excited enough to buy tickets to multiple games.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Superstar Sunday

It is about 12:30 pm on Sunday afternoon and I am trying to be a superstar for the day. I am posting my schedule and following each tournament, I will post the result, and any interesting hands that occur in each. I will also try to sattalite into the million via double shootouts, I will be playing these until 2:00pm when a bunch of tournaments start.

1:00 pm - Stars - $5.50 $5k Guarantee with 3k starting chips the shover i read as being passive in earlier hands and this might be the worst turn card in the deck, no way i can call here. meh, needed chips, nc sir

2:00 pm - Stars - $11 $15k Guarantee with 10 minute level

2:00 pm - Full Tilt - $27 $17.5k Guarantee with 3k starting chips
Dont have the HH, but UTG 8x's at 20/40, CC'er in MP, i shove AKss, and flop comes Qxx 2 spades, i brick, DIAGF

2:15 pm - Stars - $3.30r $25k Guarantee

2:30 pm - Full Tilt - $5.50 6-max, FT'ed last week

3:30 - Stars - $11 $100k Guarantee, 10 min levels, 3k chips

*Break or gun to the head*

7:00 pm - Stars $11 $20k Guarantee with 3k chips

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Perfect Poker!

on the day of leaving for turningstone, i believe i played my best poker ever to ship this tournament. I made the right decision 98% of the time!! I couldn't be more excited for TS now!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Chronicles of Bubbyman15: Part 4

Following his brief stint in the slammer after the bridge incident, he realized how he needs some sort of companionship in his life. Being the baller he is, he did not want to be like everyone else and buy a puppy to pick up chicks. He wanted to start a new trend. He thought to himself, "Self, what is cuter than the curly tail of a little pig? Babe did well in the theaters, I'm sure plenty of girls saw that and felt he was cute."

Also, he has gotten sick of his usual dinner of a chicken patty and mashed potatoes (The Bubbywich as it is known). He has gotten on the health food train as well. Here is the Christmas card he and Norman (the pig) are excited to send out.

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Monday, August 06, 2007

Week Before Turning Stone

So I am leaving for Turning Stone this upcoming Saturday night, and I feel I need to get some things accomplished before I head into these tournaments. I haven't played much over the past week or so for a few reasons. One was I got completely fed up with the turbo sng's after 3 horrible days. Two, over the weekend, I went back to OU to hang out with some friends and did not have internet access there. And three, I have been hanging out with a young lady more which cuts down on poker time, I know "LOL girlfriendaments".

So this week I am challenging myself in a non-monetary means because I don't know how much volume I can put in. I want to play my best poker at all times, aka little to no mistakes. For every tournament I play in, I want to make less than 2 major mistakes, ideally none, but brain farts do occur. I am also going to rewatch Rizen's video of his Sunday Million win because it covers so many hands and interesting spots, I feel it will be the most beneficial of all the videos on the PXF database. My high school tennis coach had the saying "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

Also at Turningstone, I will be bringing my video camera and doing a video interview of Team Phenom bio's. All will be posted on this blog.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Chronicles of Bubbyman15: Part 3

After a sick heater from the bubbyman, winning 7 HUSNG's in a row, I decide to throw him a party in his honor. He obv gets a little drunk following this sick sick day. Prior to the party, he charters a private jet to accomplish something, he wouldn't tell us what. We soon find out from numerous news reports of a tragic event has occurred and a power hungry individual might be the cause of it. Below is the photo from the network news.

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Also in attendance at the party is the engineer of this bridge, Dr. Matthew Raney, who is found to be beyond drunk stemming from todays tragedy. He cannot come to stand because he is so crushed as is his masterpiece. The bubbyman is oblivious to what he has done, what does he care? He owns the heads up world now!