Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chronicles of Bubbyman15: Part 2

So since we last left our hero, he has hit some rough times and needed to drop down to the $11 heads up sit n'go's. As a result, he could no longer afford the pricey nightlife that he has become accustomed to over the past few weeks. Here is a picture of him and his boys Friday after bubbyman's credit card was declined for a 3rd bottle of Patron.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 4, 5, and 6

Haven't had time to update since Wednesday, Thursday was more of the same awful beats and i think i made a profit of like $2.80 for 36 tables. Yesterday and today were fairly low volume, i only played 1 session Friday, and one today (yes its only 7:10pm but its freaking Saturday). I am happy with the pace I am on for this challenge, and I hope to play some MTT's tomorrow along with SNGs. I am like 0 for 2007 in cashing on Sundays but w/e.

So last night, a bunch of us went downtown, I volunteered to be the driver because I agreed to play golf this morning at 6:30am, pretty bad idea, but whatever, I wanted to play. Downtown might be on the agenda tonight as well. BCM might put some pics up from last night where he courageously rolled down the St. Claire hill (a sidewalk on a busy road downtown) it was quite humorous.

Daily Profit: $32.20
Total Profit: $95.72
To Go: $304.48

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 3

Felt like i was getting absolutely crushed today due to beats and what not, i guess they come in these TSNG's that are just bot shove. My first session I dropped about $12, then basically broke even after the second for the day. It was also the first time i 12 tabled on my laptop and not bcm's old one, and i had to adjust to layering the tables.

Daily Profit: $2.00
Total Profit: $63.52
To Go: $336.48

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chronicles of Bubbyman15: Part 1

Bcm's roomate and my friend, bubbyman15 has made the jump from the grind of $5 HUSNGs to the $20s, and recently him and Fat Joe had a little celebration. As he steadily makes the climb into stardom, he shall become more shipitholla than the shipithollaballas.

Day 2 with image of 12 Tabling

Only played 2 sessions, 24 tables but pulled in a decent profit to get this challenge going. I felt kind of tired during the second so i decided to stop.

Daily Profit: $38.40
Total Profit: $61.52
To Go: $338.48

Double the Bankroll Challenge: Day 1

After doing some calculations based on how many tables i played at once (12), sessions per day (3ish), average ROI in the $3.40s (20%) and days in this challenge (18), the number that calculation came up with was about $440. So for giving some leeway, I chose to double my bankroll which when I calculated this number was at exactly $400.

Daily Profit: $23.12
Total Profit: $23.12
To Go: $376.88

Sunday, July 22, 2007

New Focus: Turbo Donk n' Go's

Since starting work, it has gotten hard to get in a tournament schedule. And having to get up every morning, going deep will just drain me the next day. Over the past week, i have been CRUSHING the turbo sng's, the $3.40 ones specifically. I feel comfortable 9 or even 12 tabling these. Very low variance, and basically free money if you know your ICM calculations. So my plan is to build up a roll from these, and when I have time, use that roll to hit that big score in a MTT which i am SO due for. I don't see myself playing the 4.40s any time soon unless another monthly contest occurs. In the next few days, I will come up with some sort of challenge for myself to build a roll for Turning Stone next month. There are 19 days before we plan on leaving (potentially). It will be something like a $300 or $400 challenge.

Aside from poker, at the beginning of September, my roommate kaan and i will be moving into a brand new apartment downtown. I will post pictures once we move it, the place is BALLIN'. I'll crunch some numbers tomorrow and figure out a challenge i am comfortable with.