Tuesday, November 28, 2006

To ship or not to ship?

If you cannot tell, consider it shipped!!!! I finally have broken the curse of the bambino and took down my first $4 180 player tourny. I had a sick run of cards in the middle rounds, followed by some lucky hands later then brilliant short handed play to bring home the bacon. I only played one other tourny today which was a $5 + R which was to just hold me over while i played the 180. I made it thru the first hour with about 5k in chips, i didnt add on because well that was in the middle of my hotstreak in the 180 and frankly missed the 5 minute period, oops.

Ok so now the ROI system will be SLIGHTLY skewed, currently the $4 ROI is at 623%. Based on this success i would like to set a $500 goal not including this win by Christmas, 25 days to be exact. $20/day is doable under my no school and work only during the day.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sunday Funday?

I have continuted my success in the $4 180 player SNG's by making 2 final tables out of 5 played. Another 4th and a dissapointing 8th. The 8th might have put me on a good deal of tilt, but it didnt really matter because it was my last game of the night. AA lost to K10, and KK vs AA with 12 left really hurt. I will take the day as a positive one obv, but if those AA held, i think i could have taken that tourny down lickedy split. I also played 2 big MTT's, a $5 2k players and a $9 360 max. Got 98th in the $5 and bubbled in the $9

I have some advise for those of you playing these low limit MTT's, and its a huge cliche, but SPEED KILLS! I have tightened up a lot after the recent downspell. In the games that I have placed well I have played between 9 and 11% of hands. And things have turned around 100%. Another piece of advise coming from the one and only Steve Dannanman (not spelled right). Not making the right call is only a small mistake. These tournys are about making good folds, not good calls.

Oh and Cleveland Browns, PLEASE DRAFT A QUARTERBACK with the crap season you have put together!!!!!

$4 180 ROI - 280%
MTT ROI - 13.49%
Other SNG - N/A

Sunday, November 26, 2006

New Tracking Strategy

With school being out for about another 5 weeks, I am taking a new strategy in tracking my profit, and my own ROI. I have created a spreadsheet with three tabs: $4 180 player, MTT's, and other S'ngo's. This will give me more insight on which tournaments my playing style favors. I will keep the updated numbers after all of my posts.

On a non-poker note, the Ohio Bobcat football team has won its first piece of a conference championship in 38 YEARS!!!! They have also secured a bowl birth, likely the GMAC bowl in Mobile AL. They play Central Michigan this Thursday at Ford Field in Detroit for the MAC Championship. I sure as hell will be in attendance.

$4 ROI - 436%
MTT's - N/A
Other SNG's - N/A

Saturday, November 11, 2006

So ive been called out....

OK OK OK, I know i have not updated this for a little while but to tell you the truth, not much exciting as far as poker is concerned has happened. It was the dryspell of all dryspells. I figured last time i went thru a stretch like this, I decided to change the theme of my pokerstars tables. I just downloaded the sea or marine theme thinking that more fish would be sitting at my table then. So far its working, I won a $5 27 player SNG and went somewhat deep in a 180 $4. It is really nice when hands hold up. I did have a sick run in the tourny, but a lot of the hands weren't called preflop. I hope i can keep it up throughout the month.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Variance Day

Only cash of the day was from a $1.50 2 table HORSE SNG. I have also decided to come up with a tally of races all in preflop just out of curiosity. It will start tomorrow.

Today -$40.50
Month -$40.50

Final Table, October thoughts, and November Expectations

I played in a 20+2 MTT PLHE with about 150 entrants, i got down to 500 chips and kind of wanted to go to bed so i called 2 preflop raises with k5 SOOOOOOOOTED, to my delight, i was up against KK and AK. Needless to say i hit a flush on the turn to tripple me up and get me back in the game. The rest was definitely a grind but I made the final table producting a 9th place finish on a brutal hand, I raised pot with 10 10 and got reraised all in. I kind of knew i was behind but there was a lot of money in the pot. I flopped top set but QQ hit one on the turn. Best hand won i guess. Ill take the finish in the higher limit.

I feel like i have advanced my game by a drastic amount this past month. Winning 2 sunday million satallites and crushing the $4 180 players. I have produced a very nice return during the month and have not needed to reload since the end of september while cashing out $280 since along with having $300 in the BR.

I think November could go 1 of 2 ways, i keep improving my game and move on to $10 SNG's and proceed to crush them or with finals and OU basketball coming up, not playing as much as i would like to. My goals for the month of the turkey include:
1) Winning a $4 180 player MTT
2) Becoming more comfortable in the $10 SNG's
3) Become a silver status VIP
4) i think $500 profit for the month is a good goal to shoot for, ill track it on here.

Current Roll:
$132.49 Cash
$168.80 T$